About 911 e-Learning Solutions
Since 2011, 911 e-Learning has specialized in designing, developing, and teaching e-Learning initial and continuing education courses in fully online and hybrid formats.
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911 e-Learning Solutions, LLC was founded by (Mr.) Kelly Kirk in 2011. 911 e-Learning specializes in designing, developing, and teaching e-Learning initial and continuing education courses in fully online and hybrid formats.
We are experts in North Carolina EMS credentialing. Whether you are looking to renew your credential, pick up a few CE hours, or reclaim an expired credential, we know what to do!
We Partner with North Carolina Community Colleges! We are intimately familiar with the NCCCS, the duties of EMS Coordinators and the fee waivers afforded to certain individuals in NC. We bring more than 20 years of experience and knowledge to help make our students’ lives easier.
North Carolina is one of the few states that offer FREE Continuing Education to public safety members. Since we can’t compete with FREE, we partner with it!
Believe it or not, we want to provide our learners with what is best for them, NOT what’s best for us. We work with individuals to determine what his/her needs are and where those needs can best be met. Our first recommendation is to take advantage of the fee waivers by taking our courses through one of our community college clients.
About the President/CEO:
Our President and CEO, L. Kelly Kirk, III, has been a Paramedic since 1995. He has an Associates Degree in EMS, Bachelor’s Degree in Healthcare Management, Master’s Degree in Instructional Design for Online Learning, and is nearing completion of his PhD in Instructional Design for Online Learning. Called “the pioneer in online learning” by his peers, he designed many of North Carolina’s first online and hybrid Public Safety Courses including:
- Online EMS Degree option for Paramedics
- Hybrid EMT Class
- Hybrid Firefighter Certification Courses
- Online Mandated In-service for LEO
- Hybrid Rescue Technician Courses
- Online CE for EMS Services
Since 2000, Kelly has designed hundreds of lessons for online and hybrid delivery. Under his leadership and guidance, hybrid EMT courses have enjoyed a 100% success* rate on state and national certification exams. After developing the Hybrid EMT in North Carolina, He and Chad Parlier co-authored and helped design a Hybrid EMT class for Pearson (Brady Publishing) called “The Virtual EMS Academy”.
Kelly has a reputation for quality, innovation. integrity and an established rapport with the North Carolina Office of EMS (NCOEMS). Over the past 20 years he has worked with the North Carolina Justice Academy (NCJA), North Carolina Office of the State Fire Marshall (NCOSFM) Certification Board, and the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) Distance Education Office. He was hand-selected to serve on the state Commission On Learning Technologies (COLT) team and was elected by peers to serve as Vice President of the North Carolina Community College Association of Distance Learning (NC3ADL). These leadership positions in Distance Education in North Carolina has kept him ahead of the curve in areas such as auditing policies and procedures, system-wide changes, and other areas affecting Distance Education in North Carolina. In 2012 he served on an ad-hoc committee addressing Academic Integrity and Identity commissioned by the North Carolina Justice Academy.
A regular speaker and clinician at local and national conferences for distance education, he has also published articles for Learning Solutions Magazine and the Carolina Fire Rescue EMS Journal. With dedicated fervor, Kelly continues to be a champion for distance education.
*Success is defined as the student successfully passing the certification exam. NCCCS “first time” testing success for the Hybrid EMT course is 99%