Cardiac Emergencies - Nursing | 911 e-Learning Solutions LLC
CATEGORY: On-Demand Nursing CEU

Cardiac Emergencies for the Nursing Provider

Course Access: 365 days access
Course Overview

Cardiac Emergencies are critical times when nursing assessment and interventions can be instrumental to the patient. This material will review many aspects of the cardiac system, assessment, monitoring, various emergencies, and treatments.

This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.



Total CEU

2.0 hours


Supplies or Other Requirements

Internet access* and valid/active e-mail account.

*You may use any internet browser you prefer; however, Mozilla Firefox is the preferred browser, and Chrome may have compatibility issues. If you find that you are having technical difficulties with the course, first try updating and/or switching browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge).



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