Paramedic Refresher | 911 e-Learning Solutions LLC
CATEGORY: Ready to Go Live

OD-Paramedic Refresher 2025

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

This course is 100% approved by the North Carolina Office of EMS. Successful completion of this course will meet ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR NORTH CAROLINA Recredentialing and/or Re-entry* in the NC EMS System.

*Re-entry: Re-entry is the term used when a North Carolina Provider has allowed his/her credential to expire. 

Course Learning Objectives: This course is designed to meet the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services’ Refresher Program Guidelines. The curriculum for this refresher course exceeds the National Education Standards curricula requirements for re-credentialing. This refresher course is intended for the EMS community to use to renew their credential or become eligible for “Reentry” into the NCOEMS system as a credentialed provider.

National Registry Disclaimer: This course includes and EXCEEDS the required National Continuing Competency Program (NCCP) 60 hours as outlined by the National Registry. 

NREMT Waived Distributive Education guidelines:  In September 2022 the National Registry’s Board of Directors announced 22-Resolution-06, which addresses the permanent removal of limits on Distributive Education.  According to the NREMT Website this “applies to all requirements for continuing education, including recertification, state license and re-entry eligibility requirements, and refresher training after three failed examinations.”

Therefore, you may use 100% of this course for NREMT!

Common Questions Regarding the NREMT:

Will the National Registry accept your course?

Our Response:

Yes! According to the NREMT, to be considered “Valid Continuing Education” the course must be approved through a “…State EMS office or the Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) ” 

We are a North Carolina (NC) Approved Teaching Institution and all our courses are approved by the NC State Office of EMS.

I don’t live/work in North Carolina, will the NREMT still accept your course?

Our Response:

Yes! We have spoken to the NREMT and confirmed that a course must not be approved by any particular state* agency. As long as ONE STATE AGENCY approves the course, the NREMT will accept the course.

*Your state may require a different approval process than NREMT.  Please make sure you are familiar with your local requirements. We are confident in the quality of our course and would be more than happy to submit it to any agency necessary for approval.

Total CEU

124 hours

Supplies or Other Requirements

Internet access* and valid/active e-mail account.

*You may use any internet browser you prefer; however, Mozilla Firefox is the preferred browser, and Chrome may have compatibility issues. If you find that you are having technical difficulties with the course, first try updating and/or switching browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge).

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