Online EMS & Fire CE Courses | 911 e-Learning Solutions LLC

BLS Membership (Annual)

BLS Membership (Annual)

$69.00 / year

Course Description

Our BLS Membership program offers comprehensive subscriptions to top-tier e-learning content. By joining as a member, you will have access to a variety of BLS courses that will help you maintain your EMS certification and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and practices in the field.

How Does it Work?

Once you purchase a Membership, you will be enrolled in a “Members Only” course exclusively for our members. If you have purchased any On-Demand course from us in the past, the enrollment will be identical.

Your “Members Only” course will be accessible through your My Courses page or your dashboard in our Learning Management System’s interface.

You will then be able to navigate freely through all available CE topics included in your membership!

The short video below will give you a sneak peek into how you will access the courses included in your membership.