Online EMS & Fire CE Courses | 911 e-Learning Solutions LLC


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Mental Health Support for EMS Providers: Breaking the Stigma

In the high-stress world of Emergency Medical Services, the mental well-being of providers is often overlooked. The demands of the job, which include witnessing traumatic events and dealing with life-or-death situations, can take a significant toll on an individual’s mental health. However, in a profession where strength and resilience are prized, discussing mental health struggles […]

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When You Wear the Uniform

When you wear a uniform, regardless of the entity you work for, YOU represent that entity whether you are on duty or off duty. You are a walking advertisement for the agency. The public associates the person in uniform with the agency and all actions taken by the person in uniform are a reflection upon […]

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The Heart of 911 e-Learning

Doing the right thing, no matter what it takes, is the heart of 911 e-Learning Solutions when it comes to solving educational needs for our customers and learners.