Online EMS & Fire CE Courses | 911 e-Learning Solutions LLC

EMS Operations Block ALS

EMS Operations Block ALS



Course Description

This course provides the fundamental knowledge necessary to understand and perform critical EMS and ambulance operations safely and effectively, to triage trauma patients in the field in both small-scale and large-scale incidents, explores the creation and elements of a culture of safety, as well as discusses the role of the healthcare provider in maintaining a culture of safety in EMS, it provides the knowledge necessary to assess and transport pediatric patients, to understand and explain Crew Resource Management principles, the knowledge necessary to understand and perform research as it relates to emergency care, the knowledge necessary to understand Evidence-Based Medicine as it relates to emergency medical services, the knowledge necessary to identify and understand the importance of vaccination and hygienic requirements during operations in the field of EMS and to educate the healthcare providers to be able to recognize the red flags commonly found on assessment with patients of abuse, violence, and human trafficking.

This course includes these topics:
  • Ambulance Operations/Safety, 
  • Operations/Field Triage, 
  • Evidence Based Guidelines, 
  • Culture of Safety, 
  • Research, 
  • At Risk Populations, 
  • Crew Resource Management, 
  • Pediatric Transport, 
  • Hygiene & Vaccination.


Total CEU

22.0 hours

Supplies or Other Requirements

Internet access* and valid/active e-mail account.

*You may use any internet browser you prefer; however, Mozilla Firefox is the preferred browser, and Chrome may have compatibility issues. If you find that you are having technical difficulties with the course, first try updating and/or switching browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge).